Sunday, November 27, 2016

MOD 2017 General Registration Opens Tonight

Just a reminder to everyone that general registration opens tonight.  Please see the previous blog post or the Registration page for more details.  If you are a member of one of the sponsoring guilds, please make sure you have the discount code from your guild leader.  A wait list will begin immediately on the Eventbrite page once all the tickets are sold out.

Good luck!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Registration is opening soon!

Just a quick update to let you know when registration opens.  For more information about pricing, dates, etc. please see the Registration link above.

Early registration for sponsoring guilds is:
Sunday November 13, 6pm EST

Members of the sponsoring guilds should already have access codes or direct links from their guild. The following guilds are sponsoring this year:
Philly MQG
Central Jersey MQG
North Jersey MQG
Baltimore MQG
Lancaster MQG

If you don't have this information but are a member of one of the guilds listed, please contact your own guild leadership.

General registration opens on:
Sunday November 27, 6pm EST

Please register online at:

These few spots sell out very quickly and are allotted on a first come, first served basis. A waitlist will begin on the registration site when the event is sold out following General Registration.